Alert Settings

You can reach this page from "Options >> Program Settings"

    Enable this if you would want an alert mail to be triggered whenever an host status is changed from UP to DOWN.

    Enable this if you would want an alert email if a host connection quality changes from "Good to BAD" or "Warning to BAD". Anytime the connection quality enters "Bad" state an alert mail will be triggered.

   Enable this option if you would want an  alert email to be triggered when a host connection quality enters in to "Warning State".

    Enable this option if you want an alert mail when the host port connection fails. When the server is not able to connect to the given port number this alert will be triggered.

    Enable this option of you would want an alert email when a keyword monitoring state is set to "True" based on the condition.

Please note, the volume of emails that can be triggered when the above conditions are satisfied could be very high when the connections are unstable and number of hosts being monitored is high. You have to judge the requirement based on the site needs and enable the alert as required.