External Tool Settings

Ping monitor application allows you to create your own custom command set to be executed against the hosts being monitored. For example, if you would want to run a traceroute to a host being listed you can add that as an external command.

You can reach this settings page from "Options >> Program Settings" and by choosing the tab "External Tools"

The commands added in this page will get included automatically under the context menu shown below. By default the program will not contain any external tools and the menu will be empty as shown below.

Let us see how to add few external commands to the context menu shown above.

  1. Enter the Name of the command (this name will be shown in the context menu)
  2. Enter the command. The syntax for using traceroute command against the selected host would be, cmd.exe /K tracert %host%
  3. Click on "Add" button. Then the entered command will get inserted into the database and will be listed in the table.
  4. The below image shows an external command which was added using the above method.

By right clicking on a added external command you would be able to "Delete" or "Edit" as required. You can choose to disable or enable the external command by checking or un-checking the command.

Once a command is added like above, when you access the context menu on the host list the external command added here will be displayed as below.