Connection Quality Settings

Steelsonic Ping Monitor can analyze and give you the information regarding the quality of connection of each host being monitored via ICMP requests. The connection quality can be determined using the Latency of the ICMP packets. This setting can be set as per your site's condition. The logic uses the average of set number of ping attempts. By default the average of 10 pings are used to arrive at a conclusion of the connection quality.

  1. Sample quantitiy : This number defines the average count to be considered before arriving at the conclusion if the connection is to be considered a "Warning" or "Bad".
  2. Max Warning Latency : Defined in "Milli Seconds", the logic will consider the host connection is in "Warning" stage if the average latency isabove this set limit.
  3. Max Bad Latency : This setting is also defined in "Milli Seconds", the logic will consider the host connection as "Bad" if the latency exceeds this set limit.
The default conditions are typically for a well connected internal network. You can adjust this according to your site's requirement.