Email Settings

You can define the default email settings to be used to deliver the alert emails. The Ping monitor server program uses these settings to send alert emails generated for various conditions. You can reach this page from "Options >> Program Settings"

Configure the email settings as shown above. Use the standard settings given by your email service provider. For testing the settings, click on "Test Settings" button. Please note that the test mail will "not" be instantly sent instead a test mail will be inserted in the global mail queue in the server. The server application will process the test mail in a minute or two.

By enabling this option the overall email sending logic is activated. This is like a "Mains Switch" for email sending function.

Enter the email ids to which you would want the alert mails to be sent to. The email ids need to be one per line. All the email ids listed here will be treated to as in "To" address.

Enable this option to receive summarized report of all hosts being monitored in a defined time. The setting is in minutes. Summarized report will give the overall status of the hosts being monitored.